Posted by: Admin | August 6, 2011

The Week-End Post – Breastfeeding in movies Part 4 – The mammary gland scene in Meet the Fockers

I was away camping in Kennybunkport last week. I decided to take some time to show my daughter what camping was like – at 6 years old she had never experienced it. I felt bad for her as my fondest childhood memories are from my camping summers. So we went on a girls-only trip and brought her grandmother along. It was a hard trip for me, as I badly sprained my right wrist the week before and it was far from healed when I needed to pack all the equipment in the car. But I made it ok with help from my husband. I was completely on my own at the campground, and I don’t know if it was the sea air, but my wrist was better with each passing day.

One of the most looked-forward-to camping activity is the campfire, and it did not let us down. We had a wonderful evening eating s’mores (a traditional campfire treat consisting of melted marshmallow and chocolate between two graham crackers) and talking about this and that. We ended up reminiscing about funny parts in movies and I was then reminded of the extremely funny scenes in the movie Meet the Fockers. This movie used breastfeeding for a lot of its gags. There is a scene where Ben Stiller talks about milking a cat with a breastpump he created, another where he spits out some milk after finding out he is drinking his stepsister’s breastmilk, and this funny scene:

There are so many allusions to breastfeeding in that movie, it is worth watching! How about you watch the whole movie and count how many breastfeeding jokes there are!!! If you know about any other movies that talk about breastfeeding, let me know!


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